Is It Easy To Make Your Snake Plant Bloom?

Sansevieria, AKA snake plants, are the plants you deserve in your indoor jungle. A perfect plant for beginners in this field, due to the easy-care nature it has. However, making a snake plant bloom is not a piece of cake. Every year, in spring, these plants love to bloom in their natural habitat, but blooming them indoors can be a little war. These low maintenance plants become attention-seekers when you want to see flowers around them.

Flowers of snake plant

Once they finally bloom, the flowers of snake plant provide an amazing, sweet smell. This smell will keep your house fresh and attract more friends and relatives towards you. The flowers themselves look a bit like honeysuckle, with white and yellowish shades being the most common in them; however, many colors can be found.

Choosing the right variety of snake plant is also very important in order for it to produce flowers. Laurentii is one of the most common species that can provide flowers, but not every species has this ability. With more than 70 species of snake plant available out there, research before effort on the plant itself is very important. The trifasciata specie produces flowers that are mostly cream and sometimes greenish-white. Every other species out there produces flowers of different colors.

How to make your snake plant bloom

Finding flowers on the snake plant is a sign of luck and also hard work, because it is a tough task. This task requires multiple efforts and a lot of dedication. The amount of luck it requires, some may consider it a lucky plant. Some people are lucky enough to see it bloom without any effort or dedication. However, if that is not the case with you, these are advices we can provide.

Mature Plant

Having a mature snake plant is a very important step of this job. Baby plants are like the children around the world because they can’t handle stress. Getting a mature plant from Floom will be an easy task. If you already own a snake plant, make sure it is at least 2 years old before you try to make it bloom. Young money plants will die if the required stress for blooming is provided to them.

The young plants will face an early death due to the level of stress provided to make them bloom. However, the older ones have good patience and can tolerate the stress necessary for the flowers to grow.

Perfect Soil

Snake plant’s require well-draining soil due to the risk of flooding and death of the plant. Adding perlite or sand to the snake plant soil can help your chances of blooming your plant. If the soil is not properly drying out between waterings, the risk of soil rotting increases. If this happens, the chances of making your snake plant bloom add up to zero.

Good Lighting

For the plants to show out flowers for you, you need to make sure the bright sunlight is available. Even though the plant can live and survive peacefully indoors with low light, making them bloom is not possible in low light. For a snake plant to provide you with fresh flowers, they require fresh and bright sunlight very often.

The placement of the snake plant should be near a window that throws sunlight directly at the plant. Even placing them outdoors when the lighting is good can be a very good option because it can tolerate a bright light from the sun.

Proper Water Lever

Like many plants, snake plants also survive on a low and random quantity of water. But for blooming them, water level is what you have to look after. Oddly enough, a low quantity of water is required by snake plants for flowers to flourish.

If the quantity of water exceeds, the plant will not be showering you with flowers. Well-draining soils are necessary for this reason for snake plants to bloom, because low-draining soils will spoil your chances for blooming.

Underwatering this plant is an amazing way to make it bloom. A common practice is to water the top layer when it is absolutely dry.


The key part of making your snake plant bloom is patience. There is no fixed timing for the arrival of flowers on this plant. These flowers have no fixed instructions that promise flowers, “Luck is your best friend.”. But that does not mean effort should not be provided to this plant.

To make it bloom, this plant has to be looked after like a pet or a family member. It has to be looked after every day, fed at perfect times, and may require healing now and then.

FAQs About Snake Plants.

Does a snake plant bloom last forever?

Unfortunately, even if your snake plant blooms, they will last only for a couple of weeks. The blooming may be tough and lucky, but short. Even though you will love the visuals it will provide you.

Do the snake plant’s flowers have a scent?

The flowers of snake plant have a very strong scent, which is often described as vanilla or jasmine. The scent of snake plant’s flowers will make your house very welcoming for guests.

Is it safe to keep blooming snake plants on your bedside table?

Definitely yes! Blooming or not, snake plants are known as natural air purifiers. Snake plants help in improving oxygen, which helps in providing you with good sound sleep.

Is it safe to repot a snake plant once it blooms?

No, absolutely not. Snake plants bloom under a lot of stress. Once it blooms, if you change the pot of the snake plant, the stress of the snake plant will further increase. This additional stress will eventually ruin your snake plant.

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